Capacity |
Kg 2000-3000 |
Battery |
160/240/320Ah24V |
Driving motor |
800W 24V (2000 Kg) -1200W
(3000 Kg) (S2-60) |
Lifting motor |
2500W 24V |
Gradient without/with load |
% 10/5 |
Charger |
30/40/60A 24V |
Tandem rollers polyurethane |
mm 82x80 |
Drive wheel revolving at
180° rubber |
mm 220x100 |
Steering wheels polyurethane |
Kg 2000 0 mm 150x50 |
Steering wheels polyammide |
Kg 3000 0 mm 150x55 |
Lifting speed without/with
load |
cm/sec. 11/7 |
Travel speed without/with
load |
Km/h 6-5 |
Safety protection
polycarbonate |
Electromagnetic brake |
Drive wheel with tempered
gears |
Electronic system s.e. |
Lifting and lowering
activated by hydraulic valve |
Adjustable forks Full free
lift Free lift mm 150 |
Particulars given in mm
aren't binding and the firm can make any change
without notice. |